Hey there! I'm Manish Sharma, a passionate Software Engineer from Gurgaon, India. I thrive on transforming complex challenges into sleek, functional solutions.
Currently, my focus is building accessible client side and admin side user interfaces at Scaler By Interviewbit, where I've developed product tours and collaborated closely with an agile team to build new features and improve existing applications.
When I'm not coding, you'll find me listing to music, reading books or indulging in my secret hobby—trying to perfect the ultimate pancake flip (still a work in progress!). I'm always on the lookout for the next big thing in tech and love experimenting with new ideas.
Jun 2023 - Present Software Engineer, Scaler / Interviewbit
Develop and maintain critical components across various products. Contributed to the creation of an in-house design system, enhancing cohesiveness between development and design teams. Led the development of a Resume Builder for learners, significantly increasing shortlisting rates.
- React
- Typescript
- Next.js
- Redux
- Ruby on Rails
- Storybook
- Mixpanel
Jun 2022 - Jun 2023 Software Engineer Intern, Scaler / Interviewbit
Revamped the legacy careers and recruiters platform, significantly improving UX and load times, resulting in increased DAU and reduced support tickets. Collaborated with cross-functional teams to implement multiple dynamic and browser-compatible pages.
- React
- Redux
- Ruby on Rails
- Mixpanel
Dec 2021 - Feb 2022 Junior Software Engineer, Mission Mentor
Led data collection and analysis using Mixpanel Analytics, A/B testing, and feature toggles, enhancing customer acquisition. Utilized Scrum methodology to manage project backlogs, achieving an early beta release and expanding the waitlist from 0 to 16,000 members in one month.
- Spring Boot
- React
- Typescript
- Mixpanel
Capture and share twitter posts as beautiful images. Utilized Twitter Developer API to fetch tweets and profile data through user entered tweet url
- Next.js
- Tailwind
- Twitter Developer API
Pocket URL
A simple and easy full stack URL Shortener. Create short urls with custom aliases and easily track your url visits.
- Typescript
- Nextjs
- Express
- Redis
- Graphql
- Postgresql